My #1 Recommendation for These 5 Reasons:
1. Step by Step Training – Easy to follow along step by step training on how to set up a website or blog and turn it into a profitable online business.
2. Helpful Community – Thousands of members discussing website topics. Like minded people willing to help with any question or issue that might occur. Owners that are visible in chat and there to help.
3. Legit Program – There`s no hype and empty promises. No dollar signs or flashy cars with this program. It will take hard work and hustle but all training tools and support is there for you to create a successful online business.
4. Members See Results – There are new success posts within the community daily. Members that take action and implement what they learn, reach their goals and share their success.
5. Free Starter Membership – for $0 you can access the training and community with no strings attached. No credit card needed, just leave your name and email and your good to go, stay a free member for as long as you would like.
This is a program I have used for over 10+ years so I will happily recommend it to you. If you decide to buy through my affiliate link, I may get a commission. This will not impact the price for you in any way, but it will help me continue running this site. Thank you!!
There are so many ”opportunities” online, programs that promise overnight success with push-button systems. You might even have fallen for one of the many scam products out there yourself.
I know I have.
Scam products willingly take your money, but then they deliver… NO value at all.
In this review, we are taking a closer look at a program that does things a little differently.
There are no hype and no empty promises of instant success…
In this…
Wealthy Affiliate Review
We dig deeper to see what they offer, who the program is for, if members see a result and why you might want to turn elsewhere…
Website: WealthyAffiliate
Owners behind the program: Kyle and Carson
Free Trial: Yes, $0 for unlimited free trial
Premium Upgrade: $19 the first month if you sign up within 7 days. After that $47 / month or $359 yearly.
In this wealthy affiliate review, we take a look at the free starter membership. Everything we talk about below, unless stated otherwise, you can access for $0. As in nothing…
What Is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is an online training center for internet marketers, bloggers, website owner, and affiliates.
You might think – but I have no experience… I don`t know how to create a website or set up a blog…
No worries, that`s what you will learn with this program.
This is a community for complete beginners wanting to start their own online business. But also a place for already established marketers wanting to improve their up and running, online business. Thousands of members join in one of the most diversified, positive online communities I`ve ever seen.
The program also referred to as WA, launched in 2005 with a simple website created by the owners Kyle and Carson. The site has since evolved into what I believe to be…
How Wealthy Affiliate Can BENEFIT You
Like I mentioned above the program is for complete beginners but also for more experienced users. Here are some of the Wealthy Affiliate benefits for beginner, intermediate and expert members joining the program.
As in real life, you have to start by crawling, then walking then running…

If you are a complete beginner, with a dream of starting your own website or blog then Wealthy Affiliate is a great community for you to join.
Imagine the feeling when you have that first site up and running. You might have thought about it for a while and finally, you took the steps to do it. Finally, YOUR site is online for others to read.
Or imagine turning your computer on. You have been working hard on your website and you monetize it with Amazon. You log into your Amazon affiliate account, usually, there`s a big $0 but this time it`s different…
Imagine the feeling when you see your first commission show in your account.
It might not be much, maybe a few dollars. But more importantly you have reached a milestone, you have proof to yourself that this actually works. If you can make 1 sales you can surely make 2…
My first commission was $4, I still remember it like yesterday. My family must have thought I won the lottery, I was so excited. The best $4 I ever made, it proofed to me that this works… well those $4 have now turned into a full-time income.
How much will your first commission be?
As a beginner, you will also benefit highly from the helpful community. As a beginner you will have questions and get those questions answered by experienced marketers, can be invaluable.
WA is a one-stop solution, where you can access everything you need to start your site or blog. This training center can get you started and moving, in the right direction.

If you are already running a blog or website, Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to be, to take the site to the next level. Maybe you want to increase traffic to your site or ramp up monetizing…
Advanced training on specific topics like SEO, traffic, social media and video creation, can help you move forward.
You can also benefit from interacting with the community, get feedback on your site and content. Having other members taking a look at your site, to give you new ideas on ways to improve your site, would that help?
Having a good amount of comments on your posts can benefit your site in many ways. It gives credibility, it adds more content, it also helps rank in Google.
Do you receive a good amount of comments today on your site?
WA has a comment exchange thread that allows you to exchange comments with other website owners. A great way to get those comments started.
Sounds Good? Join WA Here!

If you are an expert marketer you know the importance of networking with others. Wealthy Affiliate is a great community to get to know people in the industry. The community has thousands of members all interested in websites, marketing, and blogging. Members that have been there for years, running successful businesses themselves, willingly share their knowledge and experience.
Would it benefit you and your business to network with like-minded people?
This also gives you the opportunity to give back. I`m sure you have gotten some help on the way and it feels good to return that favor and help others.
Is WA for You?
I will be honest with you, Wealthy Affiliate is not for everybody. They will give you the training, tools, and support needed but the rest is up to you. You will have to be willing to learn and take action, you have to implement what is being taught.
If you are looking for something that can make you rich overnight… then WA is NOT for you.
If you belong to one of the groups below, then WA can help you:
- You want to be a blogger or website owner.
- You want to share an interest through a blog or website, this could be a sport, beauty… anything.
- You are a mom or dad wanting to document your family life and share it with the world.
- You have a dream of making money online either some extra money on the side or even a full -time income.
- You are unemployed looking to start something on your own.
- You are a student looking to make some extra cash while going to school.
- You are retired looking to create an additional income.
- You have a product that you want to sell online but not sure where to start.
- You are a local business owner, that knows you should be online but never took the leap.
- You have an online presence already maybe on Etsy, eBay or Amazon but want to create a website for your business.
- You are tired of your 9-5 and are looking for something else.
Does any of the above relate to you?
If your answer is YES, then…
Join Wealthy Affiliate Here
What Wealthy Affiliate Is NOT
Before we dive into what Wealthy Affiliate actually does let me just make a few things clear. This program is…
…NOT an MLM or network marketing program
…NOT a program that you are required to promote or sell
…NOT a ”get rich overnight” promise
…NOT a scam
Ok, so what will you actually learn with Wealthy Affiliate?
This Is What You Will Learn within Wealthy Affiliate
The training will teach you how to set up a website, how to create content, how to drive traffic and how to monetize it.
They will teach you how to become an online marketer. Don`t let the phrase ”online marketer” scare you, though. It`s just somebody recommending something online. It can be your own blog, it can be somebody else`s product…
You probably do this already… recommend a restaurant or movie to a friend. With WA you learn how to do recommend things, in an effective way and how to monetize it.
This is in fact how I`ve made my living the last 8 years, and I got all my basic training from WA.
Wealthy Affiliate will show you, with a proven system, how to set up and run a profitable website or blog.
The overview of the system is as follows:
If you just want to blog for fun and not make money with it, just ignore step 4. Most of us enjoy getting paid for the work we put into it, though.
To teach the 4 steps above, they offer all kinds of different pieces of training, let`s dive in and take a closer look.
Wealthy Affiliates database contains hundreds of pieces of training covering topics like WordPress, SEO, monetizing, email marketing, video, content marketing, social and more. Most online marketing or website related topics will be covered.
Pieces of training for all levels from beginner to advanced.
When writing this, these are the top 3 pieces of training:
The Number 1 Training is the Online Entrepreneur Certification.
This Is Where You Start – Online Entrepreneur Certification
The Online Entrepreneur Certification training is the place recommended you start. Within this training, you have 10 lessons.
After completing the first certification training you will have a basic understanding of what online marketing is, you will have your website up and running and ready for success.
All this training completely free? Yes $0
If this is the training you need…
After you have mastered the first certification course there are 4 more available with the premium upgrade.
We all learn in different ways and training are delivered in different forms. There are tutorials, videos and live training with Jay (premium).
The training is not all, though…
This is a one-stop solution, where they also offer different services and tools. Still included in the free starter membership.
As I`m writing this they are launching a new service and that`s a domain service. You can now purchase your domain directly from WA. No need to point DNS or deal with two different companies when it comes to domain and hosting.
Free Websites with Free Hosting
When you start with your website, you have two options. You can either get your own domain and host or you can start with a free site, built on a sub-domain.
This means that your URL will look something like this instead of
I always recommend that you get your own domain and hosting, just because you will have 100% control over your site. I also know though that when starting out money can be tight and starting with a free site is better than not start at all.
If you are thinking of getting started with a free website then I can highly recommend SiteRubix, also part of Wealthy Affiliate. SiteRubix, built on the popular WordPress platform, makes it easy to get started creating your site.
With a 4 step process, you will be up and running with your new blog/site in under 5 minutes.
This is the basics…
How To Create a Website with SiteRubix
SiteRubix is by far the easiest way to build a site that I`ve seen, does not get easier than that.
Now when you have your site up, you will need to create content for it. That`s where the keyword tool comes in handy.
Keyword Search
With this tool, you can find new keyword ideas by typing in a phrase in a search box. It`s similar to the Google keyword tool if you have tried that one out. Keywords can be used when creating your content, to make it easier for the search engines to find and rank it.
Wealthy Affiliate also supplies you with already research keyword lists to give you new content ideas.
If this sounds overwhelming, don`t worry. Take one step at the time, it will all be explained in detail.
The tools and pieces of training are great but what makes this stand out from the rest is the awesome community and support.
No Need to Do It All by Yourself
Running your own website or blog, sitting behind your computer, can be pretty lonely sometimes. It`s invaluable to have support, feedback and a place to go with your questions.
The support and help, is fantastic and there are many ways to receive help from the community:
- Live Chat – very active chat where you will find members and the owners discussing anything and everything about websites and online marketing 24/7.
- Question Forms – get your questions answered, help is just a click away.
- Classroom Discussions – these classrooms are separated by topics. You will find classrooms about research, WordPress, video, content creation, SEO and more.
- Help from the Owners Kyle and Carson – if you ever run into issues or problems that you have a hard time getting help with, don`t hesitate to drop the owners a message on their profile. They are always willing to help.
- Private Message (for paid members).
In addition to the above…
I`m here to help.
This is my profile. I would love for you to stop by and say hi. If you have any questions, I will be happy to help.
I`ve been part of this community for 10+ years and I truly enjoy it. I would not still be there if I did not get value…
I`ve learned a lot, made some great friends and created an online business for myself.
WA has allowed me to get the best of both worlds, stay home with my kids and run my own online business. For that I will always be grateful.
You might wonder, that’s all fine and dandy but where is the proof in the pudding? I don’t share my full income and sites BUT I do share a very in-depth Amazon case study.
You can follow one of my sites, monetized with Amazon, see how I generate traffic, see the income and expenses and how the site evolves over time.
It has been a fun journey doing these monthly case study updates and it’s amazing how things grow over time. The site made $22.640.40 in 2017, with the principles I learned at WA, I sure am looking forward to 2018.
By now you probably see the value of WA, it seems like a good solid program, right? But…
Are People Successful within the Community?
YES, people that go through the training and implement what they learn set them self up for success. Here are a few examples:
There are many success stories within Wealthy Affiliate. Success from getting the first visitor, to making 10K monthly. You can read a few of the Wealthy Affiliate success stories here…
WA Success Stories, Read Them Here
One of my personal favorite ones is the, $0 to $10K in 3 Years – Read It Here
What`s Your Goals and Dreams?
When you write your first success post at WA what will it be about? Will it be about your first visitor, your first sale or maybe when you reach a certain amount monthly?
People are successful in WA, but you might wonder…
Will I succeed with Wealthy Affiliate?
I want to say yes because, they supply the training, tools, and support that you need for success. BUT, it`s up to you what you do with it. Just by signing up you will not become successful. Everything is there for you to succeed, it`s up to you what you do with it.
How much time do I need to spend on the program to be successful?
This totally depends on how much time you have. The more time you spend on your website the more you will probably get out of it. There`s nothing that says you can`t start this on the side, part-time and down the road go full time if that`s your dream.
How much money can I earn?
The sky is the limit, Wealthy Affiliate has created full-time online businesses for many members. Do have realistic expectations in the beginning, though, it will not make you rich overnight. It will take time to build a successful website or business but with hard work and determination, anything is possible.
To sum things up for you, I list 7 reasons why you should give this program a try.
7 Reasons You Want to Consider WA, This Makes Them Stand Out from the Crowd
1. Training that Constantly Evolves – this place never sleeps. New training is constantly added by both members and owners.
2. All in One Place – training, website, hosting, community… You have a one-stop solution.
3. No Up-Sells – you will not get bombarded with emails trying to sell you all kinds of stuff that you don`t need.
4. Evolving Platform Included – the platform constantly improve and evolve but it`s still included in the same price.
5. Support from Both Owners and Community – this is rare in other places that you can get access and help from the owners and communicate via live chat.
6. People within the Community Get Results – we all define success differently but people within WA reach their goals.
7. Free Trial with an Affordable Upgrade – Looking at many of the programs available online offering somewhat a similar product, they often charge a ridiculous amount of money for training or membership.
Thousands of dollars for ”mediocre” programs or sometimes actual scams. That`s not the case with WA.
With Wealthy Affiliate, you can try things out for free. If you choose to upgrade you can do so at an affordable rate. It can be a financial struggle when first starting out, trying the program for free is a steal.
Are YOU Ready to Get Started?
With Wealthy Affiliate, you have everything you need to create a successful blog or website.
If you are still on the fence… I would never suggest you do something that you don`t want to. But with this free offer, you have nothing to lose. Try it out and see if it`s for you, if not well at least you took action and tried.
Now the decision is yours, you have two options:
- Go sign up here for your free account and get started with your online success OR
- Click away and tomorrow will be just like yesterday
What Rout Are You Choosing?
If you made it this far, you most likely have an interest in the program, so let me eliminate one last hurdle…
What Can You Expect After Signing Up
There`s a lot of information so to make things a little easier for you, here`s a little action plan for when you join. 5 easy steps I want you to do right now.
- Sign up right here. The first thing you will see is this sign-up form. All you need to do is leave your name, email and create a password, and you`re in.
- Make your profile page personal. On your profile add a picture and write a little something in your profile description. Adding the picture just makes things more personal. You know how it is when you see that ”egg head” picture on Twitter or Facebook, just looks nicer with something personal. Don`t over think the profile message. It can be as simple as, Hi my name is … and I`m here to…
- Get started training. Upon your left side of the WA dashboard, you will see a green ”get started here” button, click that to get access to the first of the 10 lessons.
- Get started with the first lesson. Starting here will put you in the right direction.
- Take action on what you learn.
If you ever need any help feel free to stop by my profile or send me a direct message.
Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my Wealthy affiliate review. I would love to hear what you have to say about it. Do you agree or disagree, all comments are welcome,
Have a productive day,
Hi Vicky
The thing I love the most about Wealthy Affiliate is the community. Until I found WA I felt very much alone, floundering for support and advice. I am a very hard worker and all I wanted to do was get on with it, to have the information and support at my fingertips to get started. Instead I found every little thing such a challenge.
When I found WA all these issues completely disappeared. It felt like coming home.
Thank you for your comment Lynne. I totally agree with you, having a place where you can get feedback, comments and support is invaluable to your business. It can be lonely working from home, it’s nice to know there is always somebody to chat with when having a cup of java in the morning.
Having great people to bounce ideas with, can really take your site to the next level.
Thank you!
This is great information about Wealthy Affiliate, Vicky. It makes me want to tell all my friends to sign-up from your review. It both informative, and learnable (if that is a word) by telling and showing what is possible with a Wealthy Affiliate account. It’s like you are leading the way, by showing visitors the path to their success. Nice!
Glad you like the review Billy. Please tell all your friends lol.
I want to show people that it is possible to make a living for yourself. You don’t have to be stuck working a 9-5, that you don’t like. Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect place to learn all the ins and outs of this business while you get great support from the community.
Personally I have not found a better place to do this…
Thanks for your comment Billy,
I recommend anyone that plans a healthy business to join wealthy affiliate. There one can find everything he or she needs in order to achieve their online goals. I’ve been a member for some time now and I am trully happy with my choice, There is nothing to be scared of, WA is not a scam, it is like a university, you can find tons and tons of knowledge and everything is very well structured, all you need to do is follow everything step by step and you will surely succeed.
If not the best this is definetly one of the best reviews out there! Keep up the good work Vicky!
Thank you Constantin for your kind words!
I 100% agree with you, follow along step by step and you have everything you need to succeed.
Glad to hear that you are happy with the program as well!
What a great review! WA is the real deal. Best online marketing decision I’ve made.
Thank you! Yes they are the real deal for sure Tom!
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. The Wealthy Affiliate Program is indeed a good place to start winning money by working online. You have the possibility to build your first site within WA community for free by using SiteRubix WordPress website. The support within the WA community is amazing. I would definitely recommend you to try it, I did so and I have no regrets.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Wealthy Affiliate. The siterubix program where you can start your own site for free is a great one! Like you say the community, with great support is amazing.
Thank you Diana,
Hi Vicky – Its Pete here from WA – checking out your site. Its awesome Vicky. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Pete and thank you for stopping by my site.
Vicky’s review is the real deal. Wealthy Affiliates is a true learning experience. All the tools you need to succeed are available to you. It does require time and effort to succeed but what I really love most is the journey. I have learned an incredible amount of useful information in just 4 weeks. I have met incredible people who support each other. The creators Kyle and Carson are there with you every step of the way if you need. David
Thank you David,
That’s what it’s all about… the journey. I’ve been doing this for 8 years and still continue on my journey. To have Wealthy Affiliate along on that journey just makes things a little bit easier and more fun. Easier because you have all the training and tools you will need. No need to go out and get separate programs for individual sequences of this process, it’s all there in the step by step training. Fun, because you are not doing it alone. You meet great, like minded people, that enjoy similar things. Many that are ahead on this great journey, these people are great resources to ask when help is needed. The support and help is truly amazing within this community, both from members and the owners like you say.
Excellent job of outlining the MANY benefits and opportunities offered by Wealthy Affiliate (WA).
As you always do, you have clearly and visually explained each and every step. I REALLY liked the explanation on how to create a website with SiteRubix. Easy to understand!
I started at WA wth the free membership. I was VERY skeptical. But in just a couple of weeks, with the awesome training you mentioned, I had already learned more during those couple of weeks than I had over the previous six years. By then, I could see WA was “The Real Deal.” And that was even before I fully grasped just how valuable the community support section is!
I had been using WordPress through other website hosting services, and learned NOTHING from those services about how to use the system. At WA, I not only learned how to optimize WordPress, but I learned what I DIDN’T need to worry about, saving me time and effort.
There are SO many great advantages to WA. Let me just mention WA’s incredible website security. PLUS, if you DO decide to upgrade from the free to the premium membership, WA will host up to 25 websites for one price, all with the accompanying email accounts, and so much more!
It is also very helpful how you broke down the advantages based on whatever level someone currently finds themselves.
Thanks for the great post!
Thank you Roger!
I can absolutely relate to being skeptical before signing up with Wealthy Affiliate. Back in the day when I signed up they didn’t have a free membership… I had to pay for it and my thought was to check it out for a month and then cancel lol… 8 years later and they are not getting rid of me :).
Today you got nothing to lose with the free starter account. Try it out for free the worst thing that can happen is that you don’t like the program and move on… but it cost you $0 to try it out…
There are many great tools, features and trainings. The hosting program is a great one like you say.
I believe that this program has something for everybody involved in online marketing. Beginners to experts, Wealthy affiliate has something for everybody. The contacts and people that you meet through this community is something that I have not seen anywhere else… that alone is worth a membership.
Thank you Roger for sharing your experience with us, appreciate it!
Hi Vicky! I really enjoyed reading your review, you’ve covered so much about Wealthy Affiliate. I am a member too, and I am so happy to be a part of this wonderful community. I am learning so much and I’m enjoying it a lot too! I think I could be here for ages talking about all the things I enjoy about WA lol :).
Wishing you all the best.
Thank you Stephanie!
It truly is a great community, I agree. It’s hard not to keep talking or writing about it lol.
If I was not already a member, after reading this I would be heading over and signing up. I love this community and am very happy that I stumbled across it. I am tired of the rat race, and even though I know this will take time, this is going to get me where I want to be. And the support that is here is great! I have never experienced that before. It seems like whenever you sign up for something you get the initial help and support, and then everyone disappears. Not the case with Wealthy Affiliate!
Hi Denise,
Yes WA does have all the training, tools and support to get you to where you want to go with your website and online biz. A great place to engage with other like minded online marketers.
Glad you enjoy it as much as I do!
There is no better way to make money online than through affiliate marketing. But….there’s always a but isn’t there… will need a mentor to guide you on your way, as there’s a lot of know how involved. With Wealthy Affiliate you will receive mentoring from hundreds if not thousands of mentors. There is a wide range of step by step tutorials, which take you through every stage of establishing your own successful online marketing business. I could not have built my website without the help of WA and their highly supportive community. If you have ambitions of starting any small online business I would certainly recommend that you join Vicky at Wealthy Affiliate.
Hi Ian,
That’s what makes Wealthy Affiliate different from other “programs”, the community.
It truly is a helpful and engaging group of people, that lift each other up. It’s not just the help with the techie parts of building a website but the positive encouraging attitude that people have. You can truly make life long friends, being a part of WA.
Thank you Ian,
If i sign up for the premium, am I entitled for a free domain and webhosting? Thanks vicky!
Free web hosting yes. The domain you have to pay for, around $13 a year.