Find Out How I Work from the Kitchen Table, Spend Lots of Time With My Kids AND Make a Full-Time Income…
Would You Like to Do the Same?
Hi there,
My name is Vicky.
Before I tell you a little bit more about my #1 way to make money online,
Let me just make a few things clear:
- I am NOT selling you anything.
- I will NOT ask for your credit card.
- I just want to tell you my story and give you one free recommendation.
Ok? Great…
It’s no secret that the internet has created a new opportunity, for anybody to make a living online. Moms, dads, students, retired… the opportunity to work from home and make a good living is there for anybody willing to put in the work.
Ordinary people bringing in extra money, even full-time incomes, working whenever they want, from wherever they want. People tired of working for somebody else, create their own future and their own FREEDOM.
Is this you? Are you looking for a REAL, HONEST opportunity to be able to make money online?
Imagine this, you wake up, you have your morning coffee, no stress, no rush. You don’t have to be at the office at 8 am, you can enjoy your cup of java and start up your laptop or computer and work right there from the kitchen table. Hey, you don’t even need to get out of your PJs if you don’t want to.
When you have that kind of freedom, what will you do with it?
Will you be spending more time with your family? Will you be staying home with the kids? Will you be traveling more? Will you enjoy all the fun things, that right now has to wait?
This Place Can Help You Create Freedom!
I want to be up front with you. This is a program I have used for over 10+ years so I will happily recommend it to you. If you decide to buy through my affiliate link, I may get a commission. This will not impact the price for you in any way, but it will help me continue running this site. Thank you!!
But How?
But how do people do it? How do you create your own freedom?
How do you know what direction to take when the internet is filled with scams?
It seems like there are people in every corner of the internet trying to take advantage of others Sorry if you ran into one of these scammers already. They will take your money and leave you with a poor product for you to figure out for yourself.
The problem is, you are out the money and you are probably still asking the questions… How do I create that freedom for myself? Do I need a website? How do I get people to visit? How do I make money?
Can you relate to this?
Affiliate Marketing, Your Ticket to Freedom?
The absolutely best way that I have found to make money online, is affiliate marketing. It has allowed me my freedom, and it might be your solution as well…
Here are 10 reasons why affiliate marketing, is a great way to make money online:
- It is very easy to get started
- Very low cost, you can even get started for free
- You do not need your own product
- You will need time, but other than that very low risk
- Never deal with returns or complaints
- No money to collect
- You get paid for recommendations that lead to sales
- The sky is the limit, nobody tells you what you are worth
- Work on your own schedule, whenever you want, where ever you want
- Allows you to create a future and freedom for yourself
Affiliate Marketing could be your answer as well. It could put you on the road to success, to become your own boss and take control over your own time…
How I Got Started with Affiliate Marketing… and My First Commission
Back in 2007, I was searching the internet for an opportunity to make money online.
The thing was, I had moved from Sweden with my husband and son and I needed to create an income, but I wanted something where I could work from home and still take care of my son.
I wasn`t afraid of working I just wanted to do it on my own terms and set my own schedule.
I wanted to have the best of both worlds – I wanted to stay home with my son AND have an income…
After some research, I decided to create my own website. With my Swedish background, I decided to market Scandinavian design products. I was creating wall hangings, that I was selling through my website. It took forever to get the site set up but I was super excited…
Only to see the site fail miserably, I made $0, zip, nothing.
I sold 1 wall hanging to my neighbor, nothing through my site.
I had NO clue what I was doing and I knew nothing about getting visitors to my website.
Somehow I figured out that I could place ads and amazon products on the site, I had no idea it was called affiliate marketing at this point and I still had no idea what I was doing.
I desperately needed a place where I could learn all this…
After researching numerous programs, where most of them were scams there where one program that stood out.
For some reason, I kept coming back to this place. There were something about it that I could not let go of.
I remember thinking…
”I will try it out for 1 month and then cancel the membership”
That was 10 years ago and I’m still a member. (Curious Where? Click Here)
This place was different than all the other, “e-books” I had purchased before. The result or lack of it, I should say, with them was, I bought the e-book, read through it and tried a few things but it was hard because most did not have an action plan. You were left to figure things out by yourself.
The membership program that I found was and is very different.
The first thing I did was go through their step by step lessons on how to set up a website. It was so easy to just follow the steps how to do it.
At this point, I gave up on my Scandinavian store and started doing affiliate marketing. The training led me to set up a site about easing baby colic. I found a problem baby colic and researched some solutions in the form of natural colic drops, swaddle blankets and so on.
I made recommendations to help parents with their colic child.
We make recommendations daily, for movies, products, music… I just do it online and get paid.
Every day millions of people type in search phrases into Google, Yahoo, and other search engines. I was just hoping to get a little piece of that pie…
I must say that at this point I was still not sure if this affiliate marketing thing was going to work or not. Sure, the training was great BUT I was still waiting for results. I kept checking my affiliate account only to see a big 0.
I kept writing helpful content on these colic solutions. At this point, my posts were starting to show up in Google so when people searched “best colic solutions” they could actually click through to my website.
When I got visitors to my site, I provided helpful information and links to places they could purchase these solutions. If somebody clicked through and bought something I would get paid…
I was following this formula…
But every time I checked that affiliate account, that big 0 was there… until one day…
As usual, I was sitting at the kitchen table, I logged into my affiliate account. Suddenly things just stopped.
Something was different.
I was jumping up and down screaming, my husband and kids must have thought I won the lottery. I was so excited, I finally got my confirmation, this was working!! I had made my first big money online… ready…
Yes, I had my first sale and I made $4.
I will never forget the feeling. Since then I’ve made thousands of dollars online but those $4 will always be the most important ones. They were the ones that proofed to me that this can be done!
$4 turned into thousands monthly.
It has been a very interesting journey, I truly love what I do and I love what affiliate marketing has done for me and our family.
Click Here If You Are Ready to Get Started!
My Life Today
Since I started with affiliate marketing, we added on to the family, our daughter was born 2008. It has been great being able to work from home and be there for the kids throughout the young years.
I loved staying home with them, but I also enjoyed having my own online business that I could run during nap time and night time, sometimes weekends.
Having the best of both worlds, a great solution for our family!
Today my son is in 7th grade and my daughter in 3rd grade. I have plenty of time to work on my online business when they are in school. When they come home I can spend quality time with them.
The great thing is that my schedule is flexible and I will still not miss a thing. I`m there for all the school events, snow days (yup quite a few of those here presidents day… you name it… I get to spend it with my two kids.
We also love to travel and go back to Sweden as often as we can. Being able to work from home, gives me the flexibility to do so. I can work from where ever I want… We spend at least 3-4 weeks in Sweden every summer, something that the whole family enjoys. We also love sunny Florida and a ski trip here and there.
The only reason I’m sharing this is, that if I can do it, anybody can!
All this, adds up to Freedom in my book.
Freedom might look completely different to you, and it probably does, the question to ask yourself is…
What does freedom look like to you?
To be honest, if it wasn’t for that one program that I joined 8 years ago, I would not be where I am today.
It provided me the education, contacts, support, and feedback that I needed to make my sites successful.
I am forever thankful for this training center, here is HOW it can help you too.
How This Training Center Can Help You Get Started…
Easy Step by Step Lessons to Set up a Website – they show you step by step how to set up a website, with easy, follow along lessons. In fact, you can have your free website setup today.
They Show You How to Make Money Online – This is not a ”make fast cash overnight” course. This is a training center, that will show you all the steps necessary, to create a successful online business and to make money online. Follow the training and you can reach the same success that many members already have.
Helpful Community – They have a very active chat, where you can ask questions and discuss things daily. You can also ask questions in classrooms and on your own blog. It’s a helpful community, where you can hang out with successful entrepreneurs that have already accomplished online success.
Start for Free – This opportunity is open to anybody, you can head over and get started for free. Yes, $0.
Get Started with Your FREE Account, Here!
Benefits for You Joining This Community
I`m not sure about you, but when I first started out I kept buying e-book after e-book on affiliate marketing – how to set up your website – how to get traffic to your site – email marketing … the list goes on. When joining this community, you have everything in one place.
You have everything you need to create a successful business, right here.
The reason many joins is the great training that’s offered.
After you create your account, I would suggest that you go through the Get Started Training.
This is what you will learn, going through the first 10 lessons:
- Getting rolling
- Understanding how to make money online
- Choose a niche
- Building your own website
- Setting up your website
- Getting your site ready for SEO
- Finding content ideas from keywords
- Understand website pages and creating your first 3 pages
- Creating quality website content
- What`s next…
This is all you need to get started, to get your website set up and ready for visitors and success.
If you want more after this training, there are thousands of other training tutorials, videos and blog posts on specific topics – social media, WordPress, youtube, content creation, infographics… you name it, it is most likely there.
Get Started with Your FREE Account, Here!
WEBSITES – So Easy to Build a 10-Year-Old Can Do It
As you can see in the get started training above, you will need a website.
Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if you know nothing about websites, have no idea how to do this. As long as you can follow simple instructions, you will be just fine.
The step by step training within this community makes it super easy to create a website. To show you how simple and easy it is, I had my 10-year-old son create a free site…
He doesn`t have much experience with computers, but he did a great job. He has a website set up within minutes… and you can too.
Get Started with Your FREE Account, Here!
The Community
When going through the learning process and setting up your website, you will have questions. You might have some already. The power of this community is its helpful members.
There are thousands of like-minded people that you can ask for help. Some members like myself have been there for years and are willing to share their experience.
So how can you get help from the community?
The Chat – there is a very active chat, that you can pop into and ask questions.
Your blog – you will have access to your own blog where you can write about anything, it’s also a good place to ask questions.
Classrooms – these are topic-based, so there are classrooms about setting up a website, how to make money, keyword research, WordPress… everything related to affiliate marketing.
Direct Message – you can message other members and the owners via direct message.
Member Profiles – I often have members leaving questions directly on my profile. I will be happy to help!
Here is my profile, make sure you go and say hi!
I have honestly not seen a more helpful community anywhere else. The people that hang out here are people with like-minded interests and goals.
It´s easy to get help, the most important thing as a beginner is to ask questions. If there is something you can`t understand or something you need help with, just ask…
The Result – Any Success?
At this point, you might wonder if the members have any success, are they making money?
Personally, I have decided to not share my full income online BUT I share the numbers and progress of one of my sites. I do a case study on one of my sites monetized with Amazon. I share traffic, income, expenses and more in my monthly updates.
It has been a great journey to see the site grow in both traffic and income. The holiday season was good for the site and I had a good month in December 2017.
It’s amazing to see how this case study site made $22.640.40 in 2017, the site is still young and has a lot of growth left. Who would’ve thought that the WA training could lead to that…
I’m not the only one seeing results from the Wealthy Affiliate training thought.
I love reading the success posts over at WA, and there are lots of them…
As you can see, lots of people making their first money.
Here are a few other fun success posts:
- Amazon Bought Me a Volvo
- What WA Has Done for Me In the First 6 Months
- Here is my 10-year post, 10 Years With WA Post
One of my favorite:
This Is What You Will Get…
Below is an easy overview of the starter and premium program.
You can start with the free, starter account with the option to upgrade.
You NOW Have 2 Options
1. Click away and forget about the whole thing, this also means though that tomorrow will be exactly like yesterday. If you have a dream of change, if you want to make things better for you and your family, this opportunity is slipping away if you chose to ignore it. This can truly be a life-changing decision, it was for me.
You know that if you click away, you will continue the search… for what? The chance to make a change is right now, right here, you got nothing to loose.
2. Sign up for FREE and start creating your own online success story
The choice is yours…
Still Not Sure?
Let me eliminate any risk…
This program is so confident, that you will enjoy it that they take on the risk. They offer you a completely FREE opportunity to see what it’s all about. NO credit card required. Just click here, fill in your name and email and you have direct access to the training and community.
You have nothing to loose!
No credit card needed – It is truly free to join.
Let’s Recap
Are you looking for freedom? But not sure how? Affiliate marketing could be your ticket…
Above I share my story of how affiliate marketing changed my life. $4 grew into thousands… It can truly change yours too.
The program, where I’ve learned how to set up a website, how to drive traffic to it and how to make money with it, has been a life saver. With the training and support, they have allowed me to turn my hobby into a business.
Here’s How they Stand out from the Crowd:
- Training that Constantly Evolves – this place never sleeps. New training is constantly added from both members and owners.
- All in One Place – training, website, hosting, community… You have a one-stop solution.
- No Up-Sells – you will not get bombarded with emails trying to sell you all kinds of stuff that you don`t need.
- Support from Both Owners and Community – this is rare in other places that you can get access and help from the owners and communicate via live chat.
- People within the Community Get Results – we all define success differently but people within this community reach their goals.
- Free Trial with an Affordable Upgrade – Looking at many of the programs available online offering somewhat a similar product, they often charge a ridiculous amount for training or membership. Thousands of dollars for ”mediocre” programs or sometimes actual scams. That`s not the case here.
With Wealthy Affiliate,you can try things out for free. If you choose to upgrade you can do so at an affordable rate. It can be a financial struggle when first starting out, trying the program for free is a steel.
This article does contain affiliate links.
Hi Vicky,
Jason here. Thank you for providing this vital information on Wealthy affiliate. I think that many people will find it useful and benefit from it.
The design of your website is really fluid and very organized. Keep on providing this great information for your visitors. Your genuine personality really shines through your work.
All the best,
Hi Jason,
Thank you!
Glad you found the site personal, that`s been important to me so it means a lot that you commented on that.
Hi Vicky
What a great article. I really enjoyed reading this. It sounds like it would be so easy to do and you make it sound like fun. I know what you mean about buying eBook after eBook on how to do this and that. It sounds like Wealthy Affiliate provides pretty much everything anyone will need and more. I had trouble creating a simple WordPress site a while ago. They told me it was easy, but I knew nothing about websites so I didn’t find it easy at all, in fact I gave up. But that will all change with Wealthy Affiliate. No more feeling like I am on my own trying to get help and not knowing where to go. I love the sound of this company. Thanks for the great information.
Hi Ange,
It`s not hard to do affiliate marketing but it will take some time to learn the ins and outs if it`s new to you. I really enjoy it and I think it`s fun so it doesn`t seem like “work” to me. The great thing with Wealthy affiliate is that they walk you through it all step by step. Another great thing with them is that there is always somebody to ask, when you run into a problem. Yes, you will run into questions and problems but that`s just part of the process. With Wealthy Affiliate you always have somebody to ask. You can do that either in chat, via a blog post or personal mail.
Let me know what you think about it and how things are progressing for you,
Thanks for your article. I really like it and as a fellow wealthy affiliate this post will make it easier for me to explain it to others. I’m glad I read your post and im glad you are so successful. I hope to achieve your level of success
Thanks Marc,
Glad you enjoyed the review.
Let me know if you run into any questions, will be happy to help out,
Hey Vicki,
WA is a great choice for anyone considering following your lead and working from home. Like you said at the top of your post there’s a risk free option for those who want to test it out and have the training to build two free websites.
As you can guess I’m a member and have never regretted the decision to join. The 24 hour chat alone is well worth the monthly fees. There’s so much training here you can get lost for days.
I’m so glad that you’re able to work from your kitchen table and watch your children grow up. You deserve it, all the best- Chris
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your input. Yes, that`s a great point. If you ever thought of creating a website or starting an online business, having the training and support of Wealthy Affiliate will help you achieve that. You can try the program out for FREE and you have nothing to loose.
The worst case scenario is that you try it out and find it`s not for you. At least with this program you didn`t lose any money. Similar programs (although I haven`t found any this good) will charge you a fortune.
I agree with you, my favorite part is the community and the chat. You can connect with like minded people 24/7. This is where I hang out and have my morning coffee :).
Thanks for stopping by Chris,
Hi Vicky
Thank you for sharing this information. I am also looking for an online business opportunity and for very much the same reasons. I have a 2 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. Time is going so fast and I am seeing them growing and changing before my eyes. I don’t want to miss out, I want to be able to be the mom that my mom was to me…. available to watch all the school sports matches, at home to make my kids lunch after school. A mom that is present in every single way.
I can’t stop thinking about starting an online business and hope that by doing this I can earn an income and be there for my children. Until now it has seemed like I won’t be able to do this, to have the best of both worlds. Now that I have read your post I feel inspired
Hi Lynne,
You CAN do it!! You can have the best of both worlds. You can be there for your two kiddos AND work from home. I know you can, because I did it.
There are many reasons to why you want to work from home, wanting to spend time with your kids is a very “strong” one. Leave no other options on the table and you will be surprised of what can happen.
This morning I spend and hour volunteering in my daughters first grade class, I enjoyed every minute of it. The reasons I say that is because even when your kids get older and start school, you still don`t want to miss a thing. You want to be able to help out in the class, attend parties and be there for them when they need you.
Start today and tomorrow can look very different!
If you ever need any help, don`t hesitate to ask. You can do it Lynne,
What a beautiful story! We all want more time with our families. If we work hard anything is possible! I have learned this in my very short time at Wealthy Affiliate. 3 short weeks ago I was like so many others reading this article. I wanted the best of both worlds. You have inspired to keep working hard! The dream is possible if we stay positive. Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you!
I love spending time with my kids and family.
It`s a great “reasons” to take action and do what you dream of doing.
Best of both worlds, is possible! Anybody can make it happen with hard work and determination!
Hi Vicky
I loved hearing your story. It seems to me like you took charge of your life and made it work for you. Which is the best! How many websites do you have? 3 or 4? I love my site and working on it. I do get lots of satisfaction from doing so. I have yet to make money from it (I am about 9 months in), which at times I find frustrating. But WA has taught me so much. I never ever thought I would have my own site! I want to dedicate more time to it but sometimes it is hard to balance everything out. But I am getting there. I know there is a bigger purpose for my site and with time I will figure out what it is.
Hi Emily,
Thank you. I was kind of “forced” into making it work lol. I did not want a 8-5, with 2 weeks vacation a year. It was just not an option for me since I travel back to Sweden for at least 4-6 weeks per year.
To be honest I have a ton of websites, I`m kind of a domain hoarder as well:) BUT I FOCUS on 3 sites. Having too many sites was not a good idea I just spread myself too thin. Today I focus on 3 sites and I outsource most the content for 2 of them.
If you want me to take a closer look at your site and give you some pointers I will be happy to, just let me know. Would love to help you get that first sale
Your style is so unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from.
Thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess
I’ll just book mark this page.
Thank you, glad you like the site!
Great site. To the point and low key, yet powerful.
Just a side note. I am of Danish heritage. Both of my parents migrated to the US where they met and married.
Chuck and Evie
did you ever get the opportunity to go back to Denmark and visit?
When we fly home, we fly into Copenhagen so I`m very familiar with Denmark :),
This summer I took the kids to Legoland in Billund Denmark. My kids love legos and that`s where it all started so no better place to visit.
I wrote an article about it that you might enjoy, 5 Great Marketing Ideas I got from Legoland, Denmark.
Wealthy Affiliates is one of the best market/ learning/ hosting website. Thanks for the information.
Yes, one of the better ones out there…
Great Story.
Thank you glad you like it!
Great. Success. Stories. Are. Contagious.
Larry. Johnson
They are
glad you liked mine!
Hi Vicky, love the way you describe how Wealthy Affiliate has helped you. I’m also a member there and I’m really enjoying learning all about affiliate marketing. I live in Sweden, maybe we can meet someday and share experiences. What do you think?
Hi Jenny,
Great to see a fellow Swede
Glad you enjoyed my story!
Where in Sweden do you live?
Talk soon,
Good post. I learned something new and challenging on sites I stumbleupon on a daily basis.
It’s always interesting to read through articles
from other authors and use a little something from other websites.
Excellent post Vicky, on my fourth year with WA, always something to learn.
Enjoyed reading your article.p
Thank you, glad you liked it!
So what do you think about the program?
You must like it if you’ve been there four years
I think what you published was actually very reasonable.
But, think on this, what if you were to write a awesome headline?
I ain’t saying your content isn’t good, however suppose you
added something that grabbed people’s attention? I mean My Story: How I Got Started with
Online Marketing is kinda plain. You could look at Yahoo’s front page and note
how they create post titles to grab viewers interested.
You might add a related video or a pic or two to get people excited about what you’ve written. Just my opinion, it
could bring your website a little livelier.
Hi Evelyn,
Thank you for your feedback.
The title might be plain…. but it brought you here lol.
As far as images and video… well there’s both
I agree thought that it could be more “exciting”, I’m not in to hype so that will not happen but sure could spice it up a little.
Hello Vicki
I love your story and all the helpful tips you have shared a long the way. I’m the coordinator of a bloggers group in Atlanta and would love to share all you have to offer with them.
Thank you! Glad you are enjoying the content, feel free to share it with your members!
Very interested in the ideas started here. Youngest age to have kids start doing site? Is UpWord your go to for content?
Hi Brian,
Great experience and fun thing to do with your kids.
With your supervision, I would start as early as possible.
My daughter that’s 9 have a small little site about penguins
I still use UpWork for my outsourcing yes. I just did a post about hiring freelance writers that you can read here.
Hi Vicky,
Thanks for sharing your story! I have 2 little ones (4 and 10 months) and it kills me to leave them to go to work long shifts at my job. I’ve been looking at different ways to make money from home, and haven’t been successful so far. Affiliate marketing seems like it has great potential, but how do I find my “niche” ? I’m not sure I have enough to say about anything to constantly update a site. Do you post every day on each of your sites? Does the WA program teach you about how to find a good topic and write quality content or is it more just about the marketing aspect? I’m desperate to have more time with my boys and don’t know how to make it happen. How do I know if affiliate marketing is right for me?
Hi Jen,
It has been a great way to do affiliate marketing and being able to be home with the kids. WA does provide training and give you ideas on what niche and direction you could possibly take but ultimately it will be up to you to decide. Pick something you are interested in something you are passionate about, maybe something related to your boys?
I don’t post every day on my sites, I do have a schedule and try to post on a regular basis. For one site that’s 2-4 times a week but I outsource that content. For this site I’m lagging behind right now… I would suggest to make a schedule and stick to it.
Affiliate marketing is not for everybody, but I would suggest that you try it out, find out if it is for you. You can start on the side, set up a site and post ones a week to start, see if it is for you and go from there.
I will be happy to help with any questions you might have,
Best of luck Jen,