Fridays with Vicky 13
I love to hear success stories, I love when people make their first money online. It has nothing to do with the amount. Often times it`s just a few dollars, but that`s how we all start, with that first sale.
What it does though is confirming that what you are doing is working. That you are on the right track and all the hard work pays off.
In this article we will hear from 3 fabulous moms making money online. They have all made their first money online and I`m very excited to share their stories below.
Justine`s Success Story
First out we have Justine, she is a single mom with two kids, worked 3 jobs and still made time for her online business. She runs, Blu Butterfly Nail Tips, a helpful site on nails. This is her story:
When I first found WA nearly two years ago I was a single mother with two kids, looked after my grandmother, worked 3 jobs to pay my way as well as studied here at WA at night.
I had no idea how to build a website, I am a nail technician and I wanted to help others with problems with their nails so I decided then and there, that was going to be my niche.
Due to working so hard I was unable to dedicate much time to my website, but since February 2015 I have dedicated on average 2 – 6 hours a day on it.
By mid March I was making sales, and now still every day my site is making sales. I love it, and cannot wait to replace my full time income and my partners. Thanks to WA, the support and inspiring stories I have stuck with it and now I am making the sales. 🙂
– Justine
Evelyn`s Success Story
Next we have Evelyn`s success story, she is a mom of two. She started out with a telemarketing like business. Today you can find her on her site Begin at Zero, where she help you avoid the scams online. This is her story:
I made my first dollar online through a company called Pierce Eislen. It’s mainly a job that you can do from home. It’s kind of like telemarketing, but what I did was called renters properties and asked questions.
I did it for a little bit, but I have a child with special needs and needed something more flexible.
Even though I was doing it from the comfort of my own home, I still had to do it during regular business hours.
I then researched more and came across someone at WA. I started off doing things he suggested, which wasn’t a lot of money, but it was extra money. Some of them, I liked some I didn’t, but they all worked.
I then decided to try his recommendation site to earn even more. It was free to start and I took a chance. I decided to go premium because of how WA was layed out and how easy it was to learn through WA.
I made my first buck in about a month. Nothing that I can brag about, but it was money. Now mind you I wasn’t working as hard as I know others do. Lol
I then started pushing forward around my six month and my income increased by my eighth month. It has steadily increased since. I’m glad I made the investment with WA as I made my money back and then some.
It’s an awesome place to learn how to build your OWN business from home.
– Evelyn
Lisa`s Success Story
Lisa is a mother of three. She pushed through PTSD and is today making a living from home. This is her story:
I am a mom of 3, former Military Photojournalist. While in the military I had some disturbing things happen to me that led to me having PTSD and getting out of the military on a medical disability discharge.
At that point I was no longer able to work out in public, due to severe panic attacks and other problems that go with PTSD. I pretty much stayed home and went nowhere.
I decided that I didn’t want to live off of my pension alone, so I got on my computer and went on a search for something I could do from home. I had tried Avon, Tupperware, Amway, you name the home based business and I probably tried it.
I came about my current career quite by accident. One of my very good friends had some of the same problems that I did, depression, panic attacks, etc. In January I noticed her posting on Facebook about something called Thrive. I ignored it as I am very skeptical when it comes to new stuff.
After a month or so I noticed that her whole attitude had changed, she was no longer sad and depressed so I asked her what was up. She told me about Thrive, created by a company called Le-Vel.
Thrive is a premium lifestyle plan to help folks reach peak physical and mental levels through nutrition. It is a simple 1, 2, 3 step that only takes me 30 minutes first thing in the morning. I have to admit I was intrigued and tired of feeling like crap all the time so she sent me a 3 day sample.
The change was AMAZING and I immediately KNEW I had to become a promoter of this great product! I started promoting a little less than a month ago and I am already earning. This company has saved my life. I make a full time income from home with my smartphone and this website…
Thank you moms!
That are three fantastic success stories. Thank you all for sharing your story with us! Making money online is very real. It will take time and hard work but it is very doable.
Success often come when we push through hard times. And like I said in the beginning of the article is not about the amount of that first sale…
My first affiliate commission was from helping parents ease the pain that their colicky baby was going through. The big commission amount was…
Everybody in my family probably thought I just made a ton of money the way I acted. I was so excited. To me, that 4 dollars changed everything.
It confirmed that I was on the right track, it confirmed that what I was doing actually worked. People found it helpful and took my recommendation.
We all start with that first sale or first ad click…
The one thing that the 4 of us has in common is, that we all learned how to build a website, at the same place.
What is your story? Did you make any money yet or are you still aiming for that first sale? I would love to hear from you, feel free to share YOUR story below,
If you are ready to start learning and earning – click here for best place to get started.
Have a productive day and a great week!
See you next Friday,
Next week`s post – A Keyword Guide.
P.S Thought I would let you in on some good and bad going on in my online business…
Worst Online Happening This Week: Taxes uggh
Best Online Happening This Week: Found another great writer for my 2015 site 🙂
Hi Vicky,
Thats a great story about the the 3 moms success
Thanks, I was very excited to share their stories, they are great women!
Excellent post Vicki, some great stories, keep up the good work.
Yes these moms are doing a great job!
Hi Vicky! Thanks for sharing these success stories. I find stories like this inspirational and it helps to reinforce the idea that with hard work, it is possible to make a good income online. I am new to this online world and I am still waiting for my first sale. But my website is slowly progressing …… and I am sure that the sales will come eventually!
That`s exactly why I created this post, to inspire.
What you describe is exactly how all of us start. The only difference between succeeding with online marketing and failing is one thing – quitting.
As long as you stick with it, work hard, learn and adjust you WILL get that first sale.
Great heartwarming stories. I know that online business is tough, but can be fantastic once you get it off the ground. I’m delighted to hear of the success of the ladies and wish them all the best for the future.
That`s the thing with online marketing or an online business, there will be hard work with small financial benefits in the beginning.
After a while though that will switch, you can work less/smarter with great financial benefits…
Thank you,
Hi there Vicky,
This is inspiring to read as I just made my first dollar as an affiliate last week. I have mix emotion about it. On one end, I am thinking “All these hard work for just a dollar??” yet on the other, “So, this is what it takes to earn real money online.”
Obviously, there’s nothing to brag about but my experience has humbled me in many ways. In my day job, I am a professional; in building an online business, I am a total newbie, learning from scratch just like any one else.
I have a vision just like yours. Someday, I would like to be a mom, watching my kids grow up around me and spending time with my loved ones. Life is short and our time is precious.
Hi Cathy,
First off congratulations to your first dollar online!
It does prove that you are doing things right and that you are on the right track. Be proud of that!
Everything we do and become really good at will take time. We don`t become professionals over night, it will take hard work and many years of education. The same thing goes for online marketing, it will take time and in the beginning the financial reward is small. You will get to a point though where the financial rewards are greater and you can work on your own terms.
Time is too short, having the freedom to spend it the way you choose to is very rewarding!