Fridays with Vicky 82
Right now I have 235 spam comments in my spam folder. I thought we would have some fun with some of them and “fix them up”.
Having comments on your site really creates a trust factor for future readers. If you have a lot of comments, it shows that people engage with your content and that you are worth paying attention to.
The spam comments are just plain annoying though… or are they?
For the longest time, I would just delete them as soon as I could. But then one day I thought, why not use them to my advantage.
So let’s take a closer look at some of the spam messages and how they can actually become an asset to your site.
As I wrote these few sentences I got 2 more spam messages… now 237 we will not be using all of them but let’s dive in.
The first thing I look at is, can the context of the comment be used?
Comments like these I delete right away.
These would be deleted right away, I’m not rewriting the comment.
There are a few other ones though, that I can use. These are comments where the content makes sense and can be used.
Example 1:
How do I know this is spam?
Because it’s pointing to a really funky website.
I marked the comment to “not spam” and edited it.
You see the before comment above.
All I did was remove the URL, cleaned up the name and changed can to do, at the beginning of the comment.
This gives me a chance to answer the question and point to some of the resources on my site.
Instead of deleting it as a spam comment it’s now a comment I can submit and answer.
Example 2:
Here is another example of a spam comment, turned into a “good” comment.
Again, I un-spammed the comment, removed the funky URL and shortened the name.
In my answer I could make a recommendation as well, spam turned into something good…
Example 3:
With a few small adjustments, I got the opportunity to answer a question and to point to one of my old posts…
You get the idea.
Take a spam comment and turn it into something good on your site. By doing this you can probably add quite a few comments on your site…
I will make one thing clear though if the comment is a quality content, I never mess with it. I leave everything as is including the URL.
More posts on comments:
How Do Comments Affect Your Blog Post Rankings in Google? Case Study…
Do you use this little strategy? What do you do with spam comments? Feel free to share in the comment section below,
Have a productive day,
But then doesn’t that allow the spammer to come back to your site and post more spam without it going through the moderation process? How would you work around that?
No not at all, you can adjust that in your comment settings.