Fridays with Vicky 137
Online jobs are becoming more and more popular as an answer and adjustment to the current job market. People are either starting their own, independent service company or joining up with other organizations like Upwork or localized agencies like Cybertary to put their skills to work. But those are just a couple of companies that are in a growing industry of telecommuting and work-from-home type jobs.
When browsing the job boards and job postings, there are several skills that are always or often mentioned and we’ve listed five of them below.
Top 5 Part Time Jobs Online
1. Accounting/Bookkeeping
If you have this skill, you could find yourself very busy. Along with the actual bookkeeping or accounting duties, people often need help setting up and using the systems and software involved.
Providing assistance with Quickbooks, Quicken, setting up payroll and a host of related tasks could be a great niche for you as you pursue online work or work from home positions. Providing help with taxes or tax preparation is another great area to look for part-time work as well.
2. Customer Service
Customer Service is another area that has many online jobs (part time and full time). Sometimes, it is even an extension of other areas like accounting/bookkeeping mentioned above. You can often be hired to do account management, numerical and data input, and order filling. Other customer service positions might include help desk, tech support, computer support and product marketing.
Being an online/virtual assistant will often include or encompass everything being mentioned if you are not careful or specific about what you are willing to do. So, be sure to discuss and come to a good understanding with your employer-client as to what you will do, or renegotiate your pay to include more or additional duties.
3. Researchers
Though we have used researcher as a general term, researchers are needed for a multitude of jobs online. If you have the ability and patience to find the information others seek and put it in a format that they can use, then you have a great way to get job after job after job.
Multilevel marketers need researchers to assist with lead generation. Real Estate companies and lawyers need researchers for title searches. News agencies and magazines need researchers for background information on stories. Researchers are also needed to mine data, consolidate survey information and assist companies with sales support and market research. It is absolutely an invaluable position that has many facets.
If you are a great researcher, starting your own blog or website could be a great option as well to make some money. Research topics you enjoy and submit the information on your site. That can then be monetized in different ways, by partnering up with companies or brands, ads or affiliate marketing. Here’s a case study on an affiliate site that you might find interesting.
4. Teaching/Instructing
Online teachers and instructors are becoming more and more in demand due to the way learning is changing. People are now trying to incorporate education with their busy daily lives. Learning from home or distance learning is a very convenient way to get the skills you need for a new position while continuing to work in your old position. Being able to learn at home helps people spend more time at home and less time commuting.
If you have the ability to teach and instruct others, there are a lot of jobs that might be lining up for you. Some jobs will require you to have the correct credentials as a traditional teacher would need. Others require you to have a bachelor’s degree and still others only require you to have instructor experience. The more experience you have with the tools to conduct an online meeting the easier it will be for you to adjust. Tools like Go-To-Meeting, Zoom and even Power Point will give you an edge on your competition.
5. Writing
Of course, writing is going to be included on every list for online work. Forever. Because of the nature of the work, writing is an inherent part. However, writing just for the sake of writing –to provide content is a skill that is much needed. Either to start your own site or blog or to write for somebody else.
Regardless of what kind of website or blog that people have, they will always need someone who can wordsmith copy or create an awesome ad to make people take notice of their business or product. If you have the knack to write creative and inspiring content, you can put those skills to work earning you money in a part time job. A few of the assignments that I saw in a quick search on Upwork were?
Looking for someone who can develop a web app
Need someone to write an About Us page on an existing site
I’m looking for high-quality writers (Long Term)
Content Writer needed for Product Descriptions
Web Researcher/Technical Writer needed for ongoing work
Those and 9,543 jobs are waiting for your proposal. Let’s get to work!
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