In this post, I will assume that you know what you are doing when it comes to your online business. You have the basics down; you know how to set up your website, you know how to create content and you know how to get traffic to your site. Although we can never get enough relevant traffic to our sites.
This post will be more about YOU. WHY are you struggling to reach the goals you set? Why are you not making the money that you want online?
You might think, well, why wouldn’t I want to make a million dollars online. I’m sure you would but we have to dig deeper than that.
5 Reasons WHY You Might Be Struggling to Make Money Online
1. Personal Beliefs Around Money
We all have our personal beliefs around money. Have you ever heard the sayings:
- Rich people are greedy
- Money doesn’t grow on trees
- Money doesn’t make you happy
- Money is the root of all evil
Not saying that these are true at all, but those are quotes floating around society. If you heard growing up that “rich people are greedy” well, you would probably not want to be one of them, right?
Or if you believe that you have to choose between money and happiness… then you might go with happiness leaving you broke and happy.
We all have our luggage of money memories and they often lay deep within. Awareness is key for sure.
I realized that I had a lot of these “money blocks” but had no idea how to uncover them and deal with them.
Somebody that talks a lot about “money blocks” and how to deal with them are Denise from the Money Bootcamp course. Her program has helped me dig deep, reveal many of my money blocks, bring them to the surface so that I can deal with them.
She also does a free money block webinar. I know that some of those free webinars seem like a waste of time but for me, this one was worth investing my time in.
Many beliefs I’ve picked up throughout my life are simply not true to the way I live today. A big block for me was that I want to be accepted and fit in. Also that you have to work hard to make money. I still have a lot of things to discover about myself and money, but the awareness and work around it is so worth it.
2. Procrastination
We all do this, procrastinate things.
I might be that we never finish the articles that need to be finished or we finish it but never publish it.
We might have this great website idea that we really want to do but we drag our feet and never get around to it. We might want to set up an Instagram account and really try to use that channel to drive traffic to our site… hmm that might be one of mine 🙂
The key is to find out WHY we don’t finish what we need to finish. Is there fear around it? What happens if we actually do finish, create that website and put it out there? Or create the Instagram account and start posting pictures. For me when it comes to the Instagram account I’m just a very private person. What would happen if I put my “life” out there? Would people judge me?
A lot of times we do have fear around procrastination, why are you putting off things that need to be done?
3. Unclear Goals
What are your online money goals? Are your goals clear? Saying that your goal is to make money online is a very vague goal. Setting clear goals with a timeline is very important. Goals like…
- Making my first $1 online by Jan 1.
- Getting 100 sales from Affiliate X by March 1.
- Making $10.000 from Amazon commission by November 30.
These goals are a lot clearer than just saying “I want to make money online”. Getting that clarity makes it a lot easier to reach the goals you set. You have something specific to work towards.
4. No Plan to Reach Those Goals
When you have your clear goals set, how will you reach them? Will you post 1 article and hope for the best to earn that first dollar?
If you made $0 last year doing affiliate marketing, how will you get to your wanted goal this year?
Having a clear plan of what needs to be done to reach your goal is very important. To reach 100 sales from Affiliate X, what will it take? Drill things down.
If it takes about 100 visitors to make one sale, then it will take about 10,000 visitors to make 100 sales. What will it take to get 10,000 visitors?
Maybe you will need to submit 3 helpful relevant content pieces each and every week if you drive traffic to your site through organic searches. Maybe you have to spend X amount of money on ads to get 10,000 visitors. Maybe you have to engage in social media X amount of hours a day…
Figure out a plan and stick with it.
You also want to be somewhat realistic. I’m all for shooting for the stars, believe me, I love BIG goals. But, if you made $0 last year and you want to make a million dollars this year, you better have a great plan in place to make that happen.
Remember you can always set new goals when you reach the ones you have!
5. Fear
Sometimes we do everything right. We have a clear goal, we have our plan to get there but we still have a hard time reaching it. Why is it so hard to earn X amount of dollars per month?
Is fear stopping you?
Is fear stopping you from taking the action needed?
You might think I’m not afraid, but dig a little deeper. What fears do you have around making money online? Does it seem too easy? You might feel that you don’t deserve it? What will your husband, wife, family or friends say if you make money online?
If you make the money you want online, then what will happen?
Your fears may or may not be true at all. You might think that your family will be jealous if you make money online, but will they? If it’s true to you how will you deal with it?
There are so many levels of fear and it’s sad how it’s stopping us from reaching our full potential. Fears that we are not even aware of before they get uncovered.
This is another concept Denise from the Money Bootcamp dig deeper into, your money sabotages and negative consequences. Going through this course has been life-changing for me, not only when it comes to money but also dealing with other areas in my life.
So what are your fears around being successful online, your fears around earning money online? If you need help, I suggest you take a look at Denise course and see if it’s for you.
I review Denise’s Money Bootcamp course here, feel free to take a closer look.
I hope you enjoyed the 5 Reasons WHY You Might Be Struggling to Make Money Online. It might seem a little fluffy at first but dealing with your past, your fears and struggles around money can really unfold a lot of stuff for you and allow you to take it to that next level.
I would love your thoughts on this in the comment section below, please share.
Have a productive day,
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